Duration: 3 Days


Introduction to BIM Tools training course (Revit, Navisworks & Design Review, A360). This course covers an overview of key process, standards and tools for working in BIM. The course the basics of Autodesk Revit (model authoring tool), Autodesk Navisworks (model review, clash-detection, sequencing, animation & quantity take-off tool), Design Review & A360 (online sharing & collaboration tool). It provides an excellent starting point to get into BIM, for all disciplines and levels

The Course covers:

– Overview of BIM Seminar

– ArcDox Introduction to BIM process, procedures and standards

– Introduction to Autodesk Revit

(UI, Navigation & Views, element selection & manipulation, floors, roofs & ceilings,

system family editing, sheet compilation & publication, basic subdivision & collaboration)

– Introduction to Design review:

​(UI, preparing & exporting Revit & AutoCAD files, navigating 2D & 3D models, mark-up &

measure tools, compare sheets, options)

– Introduction to Autodesk BIM 360 tools (

(Using A360 Drive & Team, Overview of BIM360 Glue & Field)

– Introduction to Autodesk Navisworks

(UI, compiling and managing a project, exploring the model, reviewing, redlining, links &

SwitchBack, simulation & the timeliner, interference management / clash detective,

material takeoff & quantification​)


Book your place today:  Daria Choromanska daria@cita.ie –  admin@cita.ie or Phone: 086 014 4853

For training dates and details please see our Course Schedule


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