Duration: 2 half days/ 6 hours  

Course Description:

The primary objective of the course is to teach Autocad users involved in Mapping and/or GIS the most useful functions
of AutoCAD MAP 3D 2021.

• Become familiar with AutoCAD MAP 3D 2021 user interface.
• Understand the fundamentals concepts and features of AutoCAD MAP 3D 2021
• Use a range of tools in AutoCAD MAP 3D to produce drawings
• Use tools in AutoCAD MAP 3D to link to, and analyse, GIS data
• Present mapping drawings in a visually impressive manner

Trainees should be competent autocad 2D users. Good Geospatial and Mapping understandng an advantage. A working knowledge of Windows based operating systems is essential.

Course Content:
• Drawing Cleanup (automatic trim/extend/delete/break etc)
• Object Data (add attributes to any autocad object)
• Connecting to a Database (link MS Access data to autocad objects)
• Creating Dynamic Annotation (add text automatically to drawings)
• Importing & Exporting Data (to/from Mapinfo/ArcGIS etc)
• Coordinate Conversion (to/from Irish Grid/ITM)
• Raster Data (georeference raster maps/orthophotos, digitise scanned maps)
• Connecting Feature Sources (directly open MapInfo/ArcGIS/MS Access in Autocad)

  • Filtering Feature Sources
  • Stylising Features (by colour, hatch, linetype. text labels, thematic mapping)
  • Joining two Feature Sources (e.g. mapinfo & access database)
  • Creating Calculated Properties (in a data table & exporting in e.g. Excel, SDF)
  • Using Overlay Analysis (e.g. for CPO, wayleaves, area planning)

Book your place today: Daria Choromanska daria@cita.ie –  admin@cita.ie or Phone: 086 0144 853

Eligibility: CitA Skillnet Training Network is open to Private Companies and Sole Traders in the Construction Sector and registered in the Republic of Ireland.

For training dates and details please see our Course Schedule



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