Cork Institute of Technology – The ‘Seminar Room’, First Floor Melbourne Building
Waterford Institute of Technology – C31, WIT Main Campus
Limerick Institute of Technology – 4A02, LIT Moylish Campus
Institute of Technology Tralee – L108, Sólás Building, IT Tralee North Campus
Come along for the 4th Southern BIM Region event taking place on Thursday 29th September 2016. It will be a collaborative effort between the CitA South BIM Region, the CitA South East BIM Region and the CitA South West BIM Region.
Join The DPW Group and other industry experts to hear about the practical use of BIM. Leave withe real-world knowledge to help you implement BIM on your projects.
If you are involved in producing, maintaining, managing and using INFORMATION then this event is for you!
Registration coffee/tea @ 6pm
Presentations start @ 6.30pm
The meeting will close by 8.30pm.
Each location will host a local presentation followed by the main presentation by the DPW Group which will be broadcast to all venues.
This event is fully booked.